Greetings to everyone! I would like to appeal to this blog’s regular readers, I mean everyone who subscribed via RSS (Feedly), over email subscription or those who usually read my post when I share them on Facebook or periodically comes to the Home page and checks if there are new posts appeared (they don’t, haha 😀 ).
I’m sure most of you have discovered this blog over search engine looking for the information about Kawasaki ZZR, Subaru Forester or immigration and life in New Zealand. Couple subscribers are still truly believe this blog is about Silver Fern visa so I will not make them upset. But honestly, this blog is dedicated to none of the categories I listed 🙂 Search queries varies depending on the time of year – traditionally people are searching for immigration with the advent of autumn and they’re searching for motorbike’s engine oil replacement and other maintenance with the onset of winter and preparing for summer season, but anyway!
As we all know, time is that kind of priceless resource you are not able to retrieve back so in order to avoid wasting your and my time I would like share not only interesting, but useful and relevant information. Just simple as it is.
Unfortunately, statistics doesn’t give me the whole picture, so it would be great to hear some feedback from you. Please express your opinion in the comments section below: how did you discover this blog and what information you as subscriber are waiting to see/know/read here. Any suggestions and rational criticism are welcome! Peace!
Ivan Grigoryev's Blog
Living in New Zealand. Blogging about the country, beautiful places, everyday life.
Do a skydive - halfway completed; get 1400 - still working on; reach 300kph - completed by 96.6%