How to convert Amazfit Stratos 3 from Chinese into English

And also get Spanish, Italian, French, German, Turkic and Russian languages available. Long story short: after doing some research and looking for a GPS smart watch I have decided to choose Amazfit Stratos 3 released quite recently (in September last year to be presise). Which I got from China thanks to my colleague who went there prior to 11.11 SALE. So as result, I got Chinese watch, literally. The thing is, Chinese watch doesn’t allow you to switch language – there is no such an option neither in watch settings itself, nor in the phone app. The Amazfit Stratos 3 watch is an awesome watch and worth mentioning and even making a review one day. But now I will show you how to flash Amazfit ROM in order to get other languages and start using the watch and making fun (finally).

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for you briking your watch with your own hands. I also remind you that unlocking your watch bootloader will void your manufacturer warranty. First, carefully read the instructions given below and second, make sure you understand everything.

1. Install ADB, Fastboot and drivers – by downloading the all-in-one installer. Unpack zip-archive and run it as Administrator:

2. Make sure that your watch is discoverable by your PC – connect them to it via the USB-cable, then open the Command Prompt console and type: adb devices

C:\Users\username>adb devices
List of devices attached
cfad1d24        device

3. Type in the following command and run: adb shell reboot bootloader

4. After the watch have been finished going to fastboot, type in the console and run the following: fastboot getvar all

C:\Users\username>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version-bootloader: U-Boot 2013.07-gf35a555
(bootloader) version-baseband: N/A
(bootloader) version-hardware: V1.1 20130322
(bootloader) version-cdma: N/A
(bootloader) variant: watch
(bootloader) serialno: 19989140101343
(bootloader) product: watch
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) unlocked: no
(bootloader) uart-on: NO
(bootloader) partition-size:bootloader: 0x0000
(bootloader) partition-type:bootloader: emmc
(bootloader) partition-size:recovery: 0x1000
(bootloader) partition-type:recovery: emmc
(bootloader) partition-size:boot: 0x2000
(bootloader) partition-type:boot: emmc
(bootloader) partition-size:system: 0x3000
(bootloader) partition-type:system: ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:cache: 0x4000
(bootloader) partition-type:cache: ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:userdata: 0x5000
(bootloader) partition-type:userdata: ext4
(bootloader) max-download-size: 0x4000000
finished. total time: 0.196s

Write down / copy / make a note to somewhere your Serial number (serialno) and Bootloader version (version-bootloader).

Now you can turn off the watch by pressing both Back and Select buttons for 6 (and more) seconds.

5. Browse for and fill in the form – type in your name, your watch serial number, Bootloader version and operating system version (which you can get from the Amazfit phone app after connecting your watch). Then submit the form and wait for an email with unlock code.

Some people say usually it takes up to a few days to get such an email. However, I got mine almost instantly.

6. Turn on the watch by pressing both Back and Select buttons, then connect the watch to you PC via the USB-cable, open the Command Prompt console and type in the following: adb shell reboot bootloader

Then, after the watch have been finished going to fastboot, type in the console and run the following command:
fastboot oem unlock YOUR-UNLOCK-CODE

C:\Users\username>fastboot oem unlock YOUR-UNLOCK-CODE
OKAY [  0.072s]
finished. total time: 0.075s

Let’s double check that you have unlocked Bootloader successfully – type in and run this command: fastboot getvar unlocked

C:\Users\username>fastboot getvar unlocked
unlocked: yes
finished. total time: 0.025s

Restart your watch – turn it off and and then turn on again by pressing both Back and Select.

7. Download US/Global/International firmware installer, unpack the archive, run the flash_US.bat and just wait till it finishes and restarts the watch:

Congratulation, you’re awesome!

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