Preparation time: 20 minutes. Cooking time: 50 minutes. We have used only fresh meat and veges and a few basic spices in this recipe.
P.S. The amount of ingridients listed below is enough to serve a lunch or a dinner for up to 4 people.
For cooking this meal, we need following ingridients:
- 800 gramms of lamb (which you can replace by beef or chicken)
- 2 tbsp oil
- 3 cloves
- 5 kardamon seeds
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 2 dried red hot chilly peppers
- 2 tsp cumin seeds
- 1 large brown onion
- 5 clove garlic
- 4 slices of ginger
- 2 tsp coriander
- 2 tsp tumeric
- 4 medium size tomatoes
- 1 tsp garam masala
- 2 tsp fenugreek
- 350 gramms of frozen spinach
- Cut lamb fillet into medium size pieces and put into high pressure cooker for 20 minutes.
- Add a 2 tbsp of oil into medium size pot, add 3 cloves, 5 cardamon seeds, 1 cinnamon stick, 2 dried red hot chilly peppers, 2 tsp cumin seeds and fry them on low heat for 3-5 minutes:
- Add a chopped onion into the same pot:
- Also, add chopped ginger and garlic. Fry it on high heat until the onion becomes translucent:
- Add 2 tsp coriander:
- Add 2 tsp tumeric:
- Fry for another 1-2 minute:
- Add chopped tomatoes and stew for another 10 minutes:
- Add 1 tsp garam masala:
- Add 2 tsp fenugreek:
- Remove chilli peppers, cloves, cardamon seeds and cinnamon stick:
- Add spinach:
- Add salt and stew on low heat another 15 mintes or until spinach is cooked. Add a few table spoons of lamb broth to avoid burning, if needed:
- Remove pot from the stove and use a hand blender to turn the gravy mix into a puree. Try it and add salt if needed:
- Get the lamb from high pressure cooker:
- Add lamb into the pot, and stir on low heat for another 3-5 minutes:

Serve it with basmati rice garnish.
A few advices:
- Add a salt into chopped onion to fry it faster
- The amount of spices listed above is intend to cook mild lamb saagwala. The level of spiciness is controlled by chili – if you remove chilli peppers before using hand blender you get mild, if you blend a half of it – you get medium, if you blend the whole one – you get hot, but if you blend two of them – you regret you was born! If you prefer mild+ then you can cut chili peppers in half before putting it into the pot (without seeds!) and then remove it completely before using the hand blender
- The perception of spices is strongly influenced by the amount of salt put
- Don’t be afraid to play around with amount of spices. Bbear in mind that their taste and flavour may not occur immediately but 2-3 seconds later so add them very cautiosly
- It’s better not to use can tomatoes as they can easily change meal’s taste and actually ruin it (read the previous point)
- As I said, you can replace lamb by beef and even chicken. But in this case you will cook the Beef or Chicken Saagwala
Bon appetit!
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