The latest news is: my spose got an approval from AUT about her enrollment, so next 3 years she is going to learn Software Dev in this uni. AUT city campus has around 20 buildings and placed near Queen Street, opposite from Aotea Square between Wakefield Street, Mayoral Drive, Wellesley Street East and Symonds Street. Actually, I was surprised that one of Auckland university has its campus right in CBD. Pretty cool I would say. Below Read More there are few more pictures of one of its building where we visited Microsoft conference in September last year. At that time, air had just started to smell like a spring )
Ivan Grigoryev's Blog
Living in New Zealand. Blogging about the country, beautiful places, everyday life.
Do a skydive - halfway completed; get 1400 - still working on; reach 300kph - completed by 96.6%