Why Subaru is so…

Oneday, I opened trademe and started looking for a new car just to watch what’s going on cars market, and..

found out lots of 3 year old Foresters! I noticed before, but never though about, how, how tell me for God sake, how it is possible to drive over 100,000 km for a such small time?!? In New Zealand, which is such a small country you can ride from North to South for a few days? How come but 5 year old cars improrted from Japan have twice or even three tmes smaller mileage than New Zealand New car?

From left to right, from top to bottom

(I have attached couple of Impreza as well):

  1. Subaru Forester 2.5X 2011 96,146km, NZ New, 1 Owner
  2. Subaru Forester 2.5Manual 2011 155,429km, NZ New
  3. Subaru Forester 2.5X 2010 151,164km, NZ New 1 Owner
  4. Subaru Forester 2.5X 2011 93,079km, NZ New
  5. Subaru Forester 2.5X 2010 162,960km, NZ New 1 Owner
  6. Subaru Forester Diesel 2011 197,000km, NZ New, 1 Owner
  7. Subaru Impreza Xv 2.0 2011 99,514km, NZ New, 1 Owner
  8. Subaru Impreza Xv 2.0 2011 152,425km, NZ New
  9. mileage gauget of Diesel Forester (I did not seem to)

The answers:

  • japaneese cars mileage was hacked?
  • public transport in Japan is so good, that even in village you can use subway instead of driving your car?
  • petrol is so expensive in Japan that citizens use their cars in special case only?
  • New Zealand cars mileage was hacked?
  • public transport in New Zealand is so bad, that people try to avoid it whenever is possible, especially in villages?
  • cars, listed above where used for buisnes and private as well?
  • cars, listed above where rental cars?
  • it wasn’t your day, man
  • Subaru’s car very reliable, so people don’t care and just drive
  • suggest another answer
  • I don’t know but I whant to see polls results
  • where is the poll by the way?! 🙂

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Ivan Grigoryev's Blog
Living in New Zealand. Blogging about the country, beautiful places, everyday life.
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