Got my car’s WoF passed

Or Warrant of Fitness. I was surprised, it was quite easy and fast – it took just 20 minutes, 10 of them was an actual check. The trick is to wake up early in the morning 🙂 You don’t need to book for WoF inspections – just come along.

VTNZ station Glen Innes works from 8.30AM, so we drove there right before the opening and parked in a queue to boxes; there was couple of cars waiting for WoF for the trailers. I went inside to reception (nothing changed here since I passed my drivning exam Getting New Zealand Driving License), I said that I want pass WoF, the lady asked what’s my plate number, checked in database, asked again: -Ivan? -Ivan ) -Subaru Forester? -Subaru Forester and asked if I am keen to do additional check for another $20 – nah, thanks, was the answer, let’s do just a basic check 🙂

I paid $54 (show your Student ID when you come in on Tues, Wed, Thurs and you will save $5), went out, left my keys in a car and one of technicians drove it into boxes. Just FYI: sometimes there are deals on grabone which allow you to get carservice/check for exactly the same price and prepair your car before WoF. Of course, you have to pay for additional expences like changing liquids and different parts.

How can you prepare to inspection?

  • check your lights (low beam, high beam, stop signals and indicators)
  • check your windscreen wipers and washers
  • maintain your brakes
  • check your tyres for both adequate tread (1.5mm minimum )and inflation
  • ensure all the seatbelts are accessible for testing
  • make sure your car boot is empty. Spare wheel will be checked as well

Since 1 January 2014, all vehicles first registered on or after 1 January 2004 are now on annual WoF inspections for the lifetime of the vehicle. From 1 July 2014: after an initial inspection, new vehicles will not require another WoF until the 3rd anniversary of their first registration; vehicles less than 3 years old will be issued a WoF that expires on the 3rd anniversary of their first registration or 12 months after their current WoF expiry – whichever is longest; vehicles first registered on or after 1 January 2000 are inspected annually for the lifetime of the vehicle; vehicles first registered before 1 January 2000 remain on six-monthly WoF inspections for the lifetime of the vehicle.
Do you feel difference between when the car was manufactured and WHEN if was first registered? A car could be produced an ages ago, improted in New Zealand and then first registered 🙂 It can be quite costly to restore an old or damaged car to a condition where it’s suitable for registration. VTNZ offers a free preliminary check to give the vehicle owner an indication of the work needed to bring the vehicle up to the standard. Vehicles with a gross laden weight of 3,5 tonne or more need a certificate of Fitness issued every six months, Certificate of loading, Road User Licence and Hubometer fitted to the vehicle.

In case, if your car failed an inspection regardless of whether your old WoF has expired or not, you are not allowed to drive it on the road unless it’s being operated solely for the purpose of obtaining a new WoF. This includes driving a car to and from a garage in order to have the repairs carried out. If you fix all the items that require attention within 28 days the vehicle will be re-inspected by the same WoF agent at no extra charge.

What will be examined during the Warrant of Fitness?

  • Seat belts and anchorage (must not be faded or damaged; buckles must work properly)
  • Seats and anchorage
  • Glazing (your windscreen should be safe)
  • Vehicle structural components (rust isn’t allowed in certain key areas)
  • Vehicle interior hazards
  • Brakes system
  • Steering system (must be safe and secure)
  • Tyres (including tread depth)
  • Suspension
  • Wash and wiper system
  • Lights (are all bulbs working?)
  • Horn
  • Airbags ((if fitted – SRS light should work correctly))
  • Spare wheel security
  • Speedometer (must be working)
  • Fuel system (there must be no leaks)
  • Exhaust (there must be no leaks and the exhaust must not be too loud or too smoky)
  • Door retention system (do they open and close safely?)

Most important 🙂 After your vehicle passes WoF, it becomes your responsibility to keep it in the condition that it was in when it passed the inspection. Good luck!

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